Three Days of Holy Week – The Best Five Hours of Your Life
The “Three Great Days” of Holy Week are only a few days ahead. Make a commitment now to actively participate in the solemn celebration of Holy Thursday, the solemn service of the passion on Good Friday and the Easter Vigil Service. They are the highlight of our faith life as Christians and give meaning to every other day of our lives. If you want to really live your faith, carve out a few hours during Holy Week and stick with your decision. You won’t regret it.
Thursday, April 6-Holy Thursday
Rectory Closed
7PM Mass at Holy Trinity, Mt Carmel, St Hyacinth and St Joseph
Friday, April 7-Good Friday
Noon-Stations of the Cross
3PM-Good Friday Service at St Elizabeth Ann Seton, Mt Carmel, St Anthony, St Hedwig
Saturday, April 8-Easter Vigil
9AM-Basket Blessing at Holy Trinity
Noon-Basket Blessing at St Elizabeth Ann Seton
8PM Mass at St Elizabeth Ann Seton (Bilingual), Holy Trinity, St Joseph, Mt Carmel
Sunday April 9-Easter
11:30-Spanish Mass
Walking Stations of the Cross
Únase a nosotros el Viernes Santo para las Estaciones de la Cruz al aire libre a las 6 p.m. desde St. Elizabeth Ann
Seton hasta Holy Trinity. La procesión comenzará en The Grotto at SEAS (en Washington Ave.). Reúnanse allí. Caminaremos desde
SEAS hasta el Jardín de la Serenidad de Holy Trinity, adyacente a la iglesia, una distancia de 1.4 millas, cargando una cruz. Nos detendremos en cada cuadra del camino para rezar una estación.
Es posible que desee coordinar el viaje compartido paraque su vehículo, o un viaje, lo esté esperando en el estacionamiento de Holy Trinity y no tenga que regresar a SEAS para obtener su vehículo.
Todos son bienvenidos a caminar y orar con nosotros. ¡Siéntete libre de invitar a tus amigos!