St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish to celebrate 40th Anniversary
Reposted from the OBSERVER, Saturday August 29th, 2015
Submitted by Marsha Miller
A 40th anniversary celebration will be held at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church on Saturday, September 12, beginning with a 4 p.m. Eucharistic celebration in the church. The pastor, the Rev. Dennis Riter will preside along with the Rev. Walter Werbicki and Rev. Thomas Wopperer. The theme for the Mass is “Called to Service,” capturing the scripture of the day: “For whoever wishes to save his life, shall lose it; but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel, shall save it.” (Mark 8:55)
Service has been a spiritual force for the parish since September 14,1975, the day that two former parishes, Sacred Heart and St. Mary’s were merged. The former St. Mary’s building, dating back to 1854, was chosen as the site for the newly merged parish. The title and patroness of the new parish is St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church. In 1975, Pope Paul the VI had just canonized Elizabeth as the first American born saint.
As the years progressed parishioners had opportunities to learn about Elizabeth Seton and her untiring courage and service. A convert to Catholicism, she was a wife, mother, widow, single parent, educator, and social minister. She founded the Sisters of Charity in America as well as the first Catholic school in America. Encouraged by her example the parish has adopted as its vision statement: “Christ in us moves us to action.”
Today, outreach in action is evident. The parish holds a weekly food distribution for many area residents. Volunteers are active in nursing home visitation, prison ministry, and prolife activities. The Hispanic ministry and Faith Formation programs for adults and children offer many opportunities for people to grow in faith. The parish coordinates with area parishes to offer Vacation Bible School, RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation), Youth Ministry and supports Northern Chautauqua Catholic School. Spiritual growth is provided through retreats, scripture classes, evening prayer, the recitation of the Rosary, and topical presentations. Recently a weekly video presentation, “Catholicism”. by Father
Robert Barron, was viewed and discussed by many participants. Coming this fall, a parish program called Awakening Faith is intended to help people reconnect with their Catholic faith. The parish website, www. offers details of outreach ministries, links to parish history as well as contemporary links to the worldwide Catholic Church.
Following the anniversary Mass, a dinner will be held in the parish hall. Invitations were mailed to all parishioners and reservations are required due to limited seating. The community looks forward to observing this milestone – 40 years of service to the Catholic faith community and the larger community.