SEAS Parish News
Summer Social following Masses Today
Following the 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. masses today, you are invited to mingle with friends, new and old, at a social near the Church side entrance. Summer is short! Come enjoy the company of fellow parishioners over a cup of coffee, juice or a tasty pastry. Note: If you were not able to register your child for religion classes last weekend, Natalie Hoebener will be available at the social.
Our Parish 43rd Anniversary
You’ll want to reserve your spot for the Heritage Potluck Dinner on Saturday, Sept. 15th at 6 p.m. in the school hall. This is a great opportunity to bring the Parish Family together to celebrate God’s goodness to us from our founding in 1975 to the present day. Please let us know which dish you will bring and how many will attend from your family. This is really important so that all preparations can be made. Deadline to reserve your spot is Monday, September 10th. Anniversary Celebration Response by Sept 10, 2018
Number attending___________________
Heritage Dish ___________________________
Example; Irish stew, German Potatoes salad etc.
Theme Baskets for the Parish Anniversary
Could you put together a Theme Basket to be given away at the potluck dinner? If you can donate one, Please call Judy Hollander at 366-4901 or Alexis Ginley at 366-6372 so we know how many to expect.