SEAS Parish News
PHASE 1 of the grotto restoration project is almost finished. The second phase will begin shortly with the pouring of a new concrete pad and a new sidewalk from the pad to the city sidewalk. This will enable easier access to the grotto area for meditation and prayer to our Blessed Virgin Mary.
Thank you to all who contributed to this project, totally being funded by donations. Donations are still being accepted as costs were more than anticipated. Please earmark your donations to Grotto Project.
Marti Webster
Parish fundraiser
We have discount cards available for sale at $10.00 each for several local businesses valid from June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023. They will be available at the end of some of the masses or available in the rectory office. Checks can be made payable to SEAS, or Venmo payments can be sent to Albert VanDette and he will mail or deliver to you. To
contact Albert directly, his number is 716-679-8420. Any parishioner who wishes to sell discount cards may contact Sally Keppel or Jean Cole. Thank you for the support of our parish and local businesses!
Thank you
Thank you to everyone who helped out with our chicken BBQ on May 15th. We sold 203 tickets pre-sale and we sold another 87 tickets at the door. We made a profit of $678.89. Thank you again to everyone who purchased tickets and supported the parish.