SEAS Parish News

Feast of All Saints All Souls Mass Schedule

Feast of All Saints – Nov. 1st
- Thursday Oct. 31st – 7 PM
- Friday Nov 1st – 7 AM and 7 PM
All Souls Day – Nov. 2nd
- Mass at 7 AM
- Special Prayer of Remembrance – 7 PM
All Souls Prayer Service

This Saturday Nov 2nd at 7 p.m., St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church will hold a special Evening Prayer Service for all the deceased, especially those for whom we celebrated a funeral service or burial during the past year. During this prayer the names of the recently deceased will be read aloud. Families with a deceased member will process to the baptism font and be entrusted with the wooden cross with the name of your loved one. That cross had been placed on the coffin or near the cremains at the funeral. If a member of the family will be present, please inform us by calling the rectory at 366-1750 or at for proper preparations.
Special Second Collection Next Weekend
For years the parish has distributed Christmas Baskets and gifts to area families in need. Your donation in next weekend’s second collection will help fund the SEAS Parish Christmas Basket Project. Thank you for your thoughtful gift.
Fall Men’s Conference

Remember Your Parish in Your Will
You can continue to do the work of the church long after you have departed this world by naming your parish in your will. The legal title of this parish is St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Roman Catholic Church Society of Dunkirk, New York. Also keep in mind that monies left for masses do not benefit the church but rather the priest who will celebrate the mass. It is usually better to leave a legacy gift directly to the church or cemetery rather than leave a large sum for masses.