SEAS Parish News
Second Sunday of Easter
Today, the Second Sunday of Easter is the fulfillment of the Great Day of the Resurrection. We continue rejoicing and will do so for a full 40 days! Alleluia! Jesus has alive and among us! We now live in newness of life.
Divine Mercy Sunday
Pope John Paul established this feast on the same day as he canonized St Faustina. Divine mercy is God’s greatest attribute according to the writings of St. Therese of the Child Jesus and St. Faustina, That word summarizes the nature of God Himself. In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus tells His Apostles to go into the world to preach the forgiveness of sins.
Thank You
Thank You your donation to the Church flowers, Our Church is beautiful. Thank to Jim, Mary and Margaret for decorating it so beautifully. Also thanks to all those who made the flowers on the altar wall.
Difficulty Walking?
If you find it hard to walk to the front of the church to receive Holy Communion, let us come to you. Please take one of the places at the front on the church closest to the handicapped entrance or simply notify an usher so that we can bring you the Eucharist in your place.
Difficulty Hearing?
Those with a hearing difficulty may benefit by using the assistive hearing devices located in the usher’s room in the rear of the church. They are designed to pick up sound directly from the amplifier (thereby bypassing the speakers and eliminating echo.) Please see an usher for assistance.
Catholic Charities Appeal
If you have not yet made your donation, please do so as soon as possible. Your generous support for the Catholic Charities Appeal makes a difference! We sincerely thank all who have already sent in your gift.
Contribute to Your Parish Electronically
In each pew you will find a card with instructions about how to make a donation to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish electronically. Another option is to go to our website, and click on GIVE+.
Our Parish Ministries Need Your Help
A jigsaw puzzle will never be completed if someone withholds a piece. This parish resembles a puzzle missing various pieces. Do you hold one of them? Do you have the gift or talent that we need? There are many unfulfilled slots for parish ministry. Some require occasional participation; others require a more regular involvement.
- Can you sing in the choir or play an instrument?
- Could you serve as an usher?
- What about lectoring after some proper training?
- How about altar serving; as a youth or an adult?
- Can you serve as Minster of the Eucharist at Mass or to the homebound?
Cemetery Help Needed
We will be hiring temporary General Workers for St. Mary’s Cemetery soon. Applications are available at the parish office or at Mail your completed application to SEAS Church 328 Washington Ave. Dunkirk (Attention: Cemetery) or email to