SEAS Parish News
Faith Formation
On Sunday February 3rd the Faith Formation gathering will be held the school gym from 12-2 p.m. All are welcome. Other dates for the Faith Formation gatherings are March 4th, April 7th.
Adult Preparation for Confirmation
Occasionally a baptized adult, who has already received First Eucharist, needs preparation to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Fr. Dennis will conduct a series of informal sessions for such adults at least 18 years old. These five sessions will be held on Monday evenings at 7 p.m. at the rectory of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, beginning February 18th. If you are interested or need more information, please contact him at 366-1750.
Our Parish Ministries Need Your Help
A jigsaw puzzle will never be completed if someone withholds a piece. This parish resembles a puzzle missing various pieces. Do you hold one of them? Do you have the gift or talent that we need? There are many unfulfilled slots for parish ministry. Some require occasional participation; others require a more regular involvement.
- Can you sing in the choir or play an instrument?
- Could you serve as an usher?
- What about lectoring after some proper training?
- How about altar serving; as a youth or an adult?
- Can you serve as Minster of the Eucharist at Mass or to the homebound?
Blessed Candles
Candles blessed for “Candlemas Day” will be available on Saturday, February 2nd for devotional use at home. They can be obtained at the 7 a.m. morning mass that day. In addition they will be available in the church for two weeks. An envelope will be provided for your offering. Please place the envelope in the collection or leave it in the mail slot of the rectory door. The suggested offering for a large candle is $6 and $1 per bag of 3 small votive candles.