SEAS Parish News
Faith Formation Classes for Youth/Children
There will be a parent meeting in the gym on Sunday, Sept. 16th at 12:15 p.m. The First Class Day for Children is Sun. Sept. 23rd beginning at 9:15 a.m. We are making an effort this year to put families back at the center of faith formation. On the first Sunday of each month, instead of a regular class, we invite both the parents, grandparents and youth to a Family Faith Gathering following the 11 a.m. mass (about noon). In each session, we will share a simple meal together and then discuss a specific theme that can be used at home in the family setting. Remember that without active faith in the home, religion classes are of no value.
Maintenance Help Needed
This parish is accepting applications for a part-time maintenance position, maximum 30 hours per week. We require 2 years’ experience in maintenance and repair, plus janitorial, snow etc. Drug screening required. Send resume to, 328 Washington Ave. (366-1750 x4) by Sept.10th.
Parish Anniversary
Theme Baskets for Parish Anniversary
Could you put together a Theme Basket to be given away at the potluck dinner? If you can donate one, Please call Judy Hollander at 366-4901 or Alexis Ginley at 366-6372 so we know how many to expect.