SEAS Parish News
Feast of the Assumption of Mary
This Wednesday, Aug. 15th we honor the Mother of God who was assumed into heaven at the end of her earthly life. Masses will be according to the regular holy day schedule. Vigil Mass on Tuesday Aug 14th at 7 p.m. and on Wednesday at 7 a.m. and noon.
Our Lady of Fatima Statue Here on Thursday
The travelling statue will be here this Thursday beginning with mass at 7a.m. in the church followed by veneration in the side chapel. At 6:30 p.m. there will be a rosary followed with a talk by Bill Sockey, the statue’s custodian. He will highlight the 50th anniversary of the apparitions at Fatima.
Another Payment from Upon This Rock
We just received a check for $9082.71, representing our 35% portion of all pledge payments made by parishioners to this diocesan campaign. Distributions, to date, have amounted to $63,046.25. These funds are most welcome. We expect that you will soon see some concrete results in the form of automatic external door openers. And a replacement for the cemetery truck.
Job Posting: Parish Office Manager
This parish seeks an Office Manager, proficient in all aspects of parish book-keeping with Quick Books or PDS Ledger software, including: Processing of accounts payable and banking deposits, maintaining accurate system of record keeping, payroll processing, preparing monthly and year-end financial reports and budgets, supervision of purchases, maintenance of parish financial records etc. Requirements: Business or related field and 3 years of book-keeping experience preferred. E.O.E. Employer. Resumes should be sent ASAP to
Registration for Faith Formation Classes
Enrollment for our parish faith formation classes will be held next weekend, August 18-19, at the following times:
Saturday, Aug. 18th, 9 a.m. to noon.
Sunday, Aug. 19th, 9 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
Noon to 1:30 p.m.
Note: It is very important that parents and grandparents read the special flyer in today’s bulletin explaining our new approach to Faith Formation. This includes the first Sunday of each month when, instead of a regular class session, the child and his/her family will meet in the school building for a meal and family activity focusing on lived faith in the home.
Booking Masses for 2019
The 2019 Mass calendar is now available. When you request a mass intention remember that:
* Weekend Masses are prime time. To be fair, we can only schedule one weekend mass per person per year.
* We limit weekend mass intentions to the anniversary of death (as close as possible), a birthday or perhaps the wedding anniversary.
* When you request a mass, please try to write down the name of the deceased person as well as your phone number. Leave this information in the collection basket or the office.
* Each mass is for all the faithful since the death of the Lord was “once for all.”