SEAS Lenten Schedule
Lenten Schedule
- Ash Wednesday Masses:
7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m., Noon (Scripture with ashes only) and 7:00 p.m. (Bilingual)
- Weekday Masses: 7:00 a.m.
- Taize Prayer: Sundays of Lent at 6:30 p.m.
- Stations of the Cross: Fridays at 4:30 p.m.
- Adoration of Blessed Sacrament: Tuesdays 9:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. First Fridays 9:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
- Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays at 4:00 p.m. and Tuesdays 5:00 p.m.
The Minimum Lenten Observance
All Catholics who have reached their 14th birthday are bound to abstain totally from meat on the following days: Ash Wednesday, all Fridays of Lent and Good Friday.- Fasting:
All Catholics between their 18th and 59th birthdays are also bound to observe the Law of Fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. This practice involves limiting oneself to a single full meal and avoiding food between meals. Light sustenance may be taken on two other occasions in the course of the day. - An Invitation:
In the name of peace, and in union with the Bishops of our country, the faithful of this Diocese are invited to add voluntary fasting to the practice of penance during the Fridays of the year. Together with works of charity and service toward our neighbors, this practice would become a sign of our commitment to conversion, reconciliation and peace. (The Challenge of Peace, Art. 298).
Lenten Devotion
The Stations of the Cross are an extended reflection on the Jesus’ final journey toward the cross, death and resurrection. They are celebrated each Friday of Lent at 4:30 p.m. All are welcome.
Lenten Evening Prayer
Lenten Evening Prayer in the Taize Tradition will again be held here each Sunday evening at 6:30 p.m. in our church. The Taize prayer form is borrowed from a famous interdenominational monastery in France and blends, song, scripture and silence. All are welcome to attend.
Soup and Scripture
Lent will begin on March 1. We will again hold the Wednesday evening “Soup and Scripture” sessions that have proven to be very popular.
This year the six sessions will be led by Fr. Dennis and will commence on Wednesday March 8 in the Rectory Meeting Room.
We will use the same series used in the past. It is excellent and designed for both beginners and those with some background in the scriptures. This year our focus will be on Acts, The Good News of The Holy Spirit.
Since the sessions will again take place in the rectory meeting room, we are limited to 30 participants. If you wish to enroll or have questions, please call the rectory so that your name can be included. Since we need to order discussion booklets, please call the rectory soon at 366-1750.
The soup supper will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the rectory meeting room (basement).The scripture discussion starts at 7 p.m. and lasts an hour. You may pay for the booklet at class on Wednesday, March 8th.
Women’s Retreat
Ladies, you will remember that fall retreat had to be postponed due to bad weather. It is now scheduled for Saturday March 11th, 2017. This morning of Lenten reflection and prayer will take place at NCCS (1st floor Resource Room). Sister M. Elizabeth Mackowiak will be our retreat director focusing on “Method and Practice of Centering Prayer” in our daily lives. Please pre-register by phone to SEAS parish office 366-1750 ext. #6. The morning will begin at 8:30-9 a.m. with a sign-in and refreshments. A $5 fee will be collected at that time. Sessions will run from 9 a.m. till 12 noon followed by luncheon. A prayer service will conclude the retreat.
Lenten Presentation
A Lenten Presentation “Will Someone PLEASE Let the Cat Out of the Bag? : Practical Ways to Share Your Faith in 2017” by Deacon Bill Hynes will be on April 4th from 7-8 PM in the Church.
Deacon Bill and his wife, Debra, married in 1986. They have three children and two grandchildren. Deacon Bill teaches religion to eleventh graders at St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute, a LaSallian Catholic high school in Buffalo, NY. Previously, he taught religion at Turner-Carroll High School in Buffalo.
Bill was ordained in June 1998. He is currently assigned to the Office for Evangelization and Parish Life for the Diocese of Buffalo. He gives frequent presentations on evangelization, spiritual growth and catechetical matters to parishes, Catholic organizations, Confirmation programs, Generation of Faith sessions and schools.
All are welcome.