Reconciliation (Confession)
Both parents are asked to attend the baptismal preparation class prior to the celebration of the sacrament. The ideal time to attend is during pregnancy. Please call the rectory at 366-1750.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Persons interested in becoming Catholic & the Christian Initiation of Children. Please call the rectory at 366-1750.
Wedding arrangements should be made at least six months prior to the desired date. Call the Rectory for an appointment.
Sick Calls
Anytime of the day and night. Call the Rectory as soon as possible. Due to HIPPA privacy laws, the Parish Office is not informed of parishioners being admitted to the hospital. If you would like receive communion while in the hospital, please call the Rectory at 366-1750.
Please pray for our Religious Education students who are preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Adult Confirmation
Adults who wish to be confirmed should contact us as soon as possible. The parish will help them with the necessary preparation so that they can become fully initiated members of the Catholic Church. Simply call 366-1750.
Faith Formation
Information is available for Faith Formation by clicking on the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Faith Formation page link.
Inquire into Catholicism
At times an adult without a church family (or never baptized) begins to ask probing questions about life, death, faith and God. This often happens after a lifechanging event such as childbirth or the death of a loved one. We encourage anyone interested in inquiring about the faith of Catholics to call the rectory (366-1750) in order to learn about the catechumenate process (RCIA). The same catechumenate process can also be adapted for younger persons, at least 10 years old, who are lacking baptism or first communion.