Religious Education Registration
Letter to Parents/Guardians/Students
You already know many things about your Catholic faith. Other things may not be quite so clear. You know that God sent Jesus into first-century Palestine as friend, brother and Savior, but do you know where to find Jesus today?
The Catholic faith is not learned in a day, a month or even a year. Learning your faith takes a lifetime. But what you most need now, at this time in your life, you will find in Faith Formation. Knowing the faith and believing go together. Class sessions give the knowledge, but then you will need to put your faith into practice. For the rest of your life, your actions will flow from your beliefs.
Knowing that Jesus loves you is not enough. Remember to return that love by giving him some time and attention each day! Soon you will receive a letter from our parish faith formation program. It will contain forms for enrolling your child. The official registration day, Sunday, Sept. 21 noon to 1:15 pm, will feature an ice cream social. Please come within those times to meet with our volunteer catechists.
– Submitted by Wendy Kachermeyer (coordinator) 366-2827