From the Pastor
Today July 6, Fr. Thomas Wopperer will celebrate his Golden Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood. Fr. Tom was ordained on February 22, 1964. He served here as pastor for 20 years from March 1988 until retirement in Feb. 2008. Since then he has been available as needed at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church and throughout the area. We congratulate him for his long faithful service to the Church and in particular we thank him for his years of ministry among us.
On Monday of this week, Fr. Walter Werbicki celebrated his 57th anniversary of ordination. Anyone who knows Fr Walter appreciates his special gifts. Congratulations and many more years!
Finally, last Saturday I received a letter from Bishop Malone assigning me to a second term of six years as pastor here. I had hoped that this would be the outcome of the priest personnel board process and am delighted that I can continue to serve you.