Sunday, December 10 at 12:30pm NCCS School Gym, 336 Washington Ave., Dunkirk. Enter from 4th Street entrance doors. Bring a dish to pass. Contact Natalie Hoebener: call or text 716-581-1879 or email
Celebración del Día de la Fiesta de nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Domingo, 10 de diciembre Gimnasio de la Escuela Católica del Norte de Chautauqua 336 Washington Ave. Dunkirk. Entra por las puertas de entrada de la calle 4Trae un plato para pasar Si tiene alguna pregunta póngase en contacto con Natalie Hoebener or text/call 716-581-1879
Advent Night Prayer
Night prayer will be offered at SEAS this Friday evening, December 15th at 6:30pm. Night prayer includes sung and spoken prayers, a Scripture reading with a brief reflection, and a hymn to the Blessed Mother. The service lasts approximately 30 minutes. Please enter the church through the side doors facing the parking lot. All are welcome!
Bambinelli Blessing
Bring your Baby Jesus to any Mass next weekend, December 17th (Gaudate Sunday) to be blessed. Don’t forget to wear pink!