St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Roman Catholic Church seeks to be a vibrant and diverse faith community. We are nourished by the Eucharist and empowered by the Spirit to spread the message of the Gospel to the larger community through our many ministries and outreach opportunities.


Christ in us Moves us to action

Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Roman Catholic Church, in collaboration with the pastor, is a leadership ministry charged with articulating a vision for the parish leading to a pastoral plan. Leadership requires openness to the needs and input of the parishioners. We commit to empowering ministry leaders, committees, parish staff, and the parish as a whole to implement this pastoral plan.

Liturgy Committee
Believing that the Lord God is observing our praise, we, the Liturgy Committee, dedicate ourselves to making our religious celebrations as beautiful and meaningful as possible. As a group, we see that the Church environment is tastefully decorated and welcoming, and that the music at all celebrations is appropriate and well executed. We oversee the teaching and training of our parish lectors, altar servers, ushers and Eucharistic ministers. We attentively listen to the voice of our parishioners and constantly strive to improve our parish prayer life.

Food Closet
The parish adult and youth volunteers strive to live the message of Jesus through action, including helping the poor, and needy through the weekly food closet and community service, in Christian fellowship.

Adult Education/Faith Formation Committee
The committee seeks to broaden the Gospel message through offering retreats, lectures, films, evenings of reflection, music, literature, Bible Study and other opportunities, in order that parishioners will spread the message through word and action to the parish and to the Dunkirk communities.

Evangelization Committee
This ministry seeks to re-energize our parish by developing resources through evangelization that inspire us to rediscover the gifts and welcoming offered to all that worship in our parish community.

Religious Education
We who are responsible for faith formation of youth at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, recognize that each child is a unique and beautiful individual created in the likeness of God. With great enthusiasm and dedication, we accept the responsibility of guiding our children in being living witnesses to the Gospel of Christ. It is our duty to instill his values and message so that every child may be prepared for the reception of the sacraments and a lifetime of understanding God’s presence. We will also provide volunteers and catechists with the best training possible to ensure that in the future, our church, the Body of Christ, will continue to spread His good news.

Music is an integral part of the Catholic Mass. Join together in song, under the direction of our talented directors.

Mass Mobile
This is a ministry which requires very little work by those who serve on the committee, but it does give one a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. A call to the rectory by someone in need of a ride to a weekend mass is then passed on to a chairperson, who then contacts someone who lives in their neighborhood and it goes on from there. There has never been a time that someone did not say, “Yes I can do that.” Who knows, we may some day be in need ourselves.

Parish Usher Ministry
Our primary mission is to provide a friendly, helpful presence to parishioners and guests attending Mass. We take up collections and encourage people to take up the Gifts and provide assistance to those who are handicapped or become ill during Mass. This is a very special Ministry.

Lectors are committed to their important ministry and the care with which they prepare to proclaim the Sunday readings.

Altar Servers
The mission of the Altar Server Ministry is to provide boys and girls of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish an opportunity to serve the presiding priest and our parish community at Mass, and in a way that develop a deeper appreciation of the Eucharist and of service to our Christian community.

Adult Altar Servers
Adult altar servers are a Minister of the Eucharist and serve at 7 AM Mass and Funeral Masses. Their mission is to answer God’s call to know, love and serve the Lord and one another by assisting the priest during the Mass and as a Minister of the Eucharist.

Special Ministers of Holy Communion
Special Ministers of Holy Communion give their service to the Church at Mass because they have been baptized and called to do God’s work. They help distribute the Body and Blood of Christ because they are active members of the congregation, and so they sit with all their baptized brothers and sisters until they are needed at Communion time.
