Spiritual Opportunities
Join Us!
Looking for some thought provoking activities this lent? Why not join us for a viewing of “Son Of God” and “Noah?” We will attend the local theater and afterwards have a lively discussion at one of the local coffee shops. Friday night or weekend showings would be preferable, but we are open to suggestions. Please call Janet Bonasera for more info at 679-4147. Thanks, and hope to see you there!
Men; Looking for Something?
Men are different. If you aren’t sure of that, just ask the women who love them! Kidding aside, our Chautauqua Vicariate is exploring how we might be able to help men become even better husbands, fathers and friends than they already are.
Will that be through retreats, breakfast with a speaker, hiking, sports, picnics, father and son opportunities, bible study or something else altogether? We don’t know yet and we really need your input.
If you would like to share your ideas to help shape the direction of a local men’s ministry, contact Deacon Matt Hens at matthens@catholicexchange.com or call 785-5564.
Parish Ministry Conference 2014
Each spring the diocese sponsors a conference at the seminary on a topic concerning parish life. This year the conference will be held on May 16 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The presenters are: Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran, authors of a popular book on ministry, entitled They will speak of the shift necessary for revitalizing a parish by rebuilding a foundation of purpose and passion.
Registration cost is $35 by April 19 or $45 after. The parish will subsidize parish participants $25 toward the total cost of the conference. If you are interested please call the parish office by Monday of Holy Week.