Maintenance and Seasonal Positions Available
Maintenance Worker
Dan Hayes has worked for this parish for 12 years and will soon be retiring from full time employment. Our staff and the parish will miss his helpfulness and many skills. Dan is both capable and resourceful and has been a real gift to our church
We are currently seeking to fill his position: Specifically, we will need a full time Maintenance Worker for the church, rectory and surrounding property.
Required: minimum two years’ experience in Maintenance and repair (general plumbing, carpentry, basic electrical, mechanical) plus janitorial, snow removal and yard work.
Drug Screening required; Applications available at 328 Washington Ave. Dunkirk; Send resume to 366-1750 by Monday, May 11, 2015.
Cemetery Seasonal Work
We are now seeking applications for seasonal workers for the summer. Prospective workers must be at least 18 years of age, capable of doing demanding physical work and able to pass drug screening. Jobs are weather dependent and should begin around late April. To apply, come to the parish office for a job application.