Dunkirk Catholic Parishes Hire Shared Youth Minister
The pastors of Blessed Mary Angela, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and Holy Trinity Parishes have jointly hired Bridget Mackowiak, a Dunkirk Native, to serve as part-time Coordinator of Catholic High School Youth Ministry.
Ms. Mackowiak brings strong Youth Ministry background and qualifications, including studying towards her Master’s degree in Pastoral Ministry at Christ the King Seminary. Bridget will start her new position this August. She will be responsible for providing vision and coordinating Christian outreach to young people in grades 9-12 in the Dunkirk area. This includes weekly sessions, special events and activities.
In addition, she will coordinate the Faith Formation and Confirmation program of grades 9 – 12 for BMA parish. Fr. Matt Nycz will serve as host pastor. Activities will be primarily centered at the former St. Hyacinth’s school of BMA Parish, but occasionally also at the other two participating Churches. We welcome Bridget to her new position and look forward to supporting her and collaborating with her. She can be contacted at DKCatholicYouth@gmail.com or (716) 413-2660.