Celebration of Life on July 16, 2014
The 16th Anniversary of the Shrine to the Unborn
The 16th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Shrine to the Unborn will be celebrated on Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. A prayer service will be held at the shrine, located in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Bennett Road (Route 60), Dunkirk. The public is invited to join the priests of northern Chautauqua County, the Knights of Columbus, members of the Respect Life Committee and all who love and respect life. In case of rain, the service will be held at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, 328 Washington St. Dunkirk.
For further information regarding the shrine service or for questions about the Respect Life Committee, call Bob and Hanna Russell at 566-4095 or Pat Morelle at 965-2738.
Repairs to the shrine in 2014
Recently the shrine was renovated by members of the Chautauqua Pro Life Committee. The plants and trees had grown beautifully for 16 years and began to take over the shrine and the wooden arch needed repair. Donations given to the committee helped them to complete the work. The committee thanks the donors and others who worked for their interest and support. The public is invited to join the priests of northern Chautauqua County, the Knights of Columbus, members of the Respect Life Committee and all who love and respect life. In case of rain, the service will be held at St. Elizabeth Church, 328 Washington St., Dunkirk.