The Coming of the Lord is near. Below are some ideas for Advent preparation and schedules for Liturgical Services. We encourage you to enter as fully as possible into the true spirit of this season.

What is Advent all about? How is Advent different than Christmas? Busted Halo explains the significance of this special season in the Church and why the experience of waiting, hope, and preparation is still so important in our lives today.

Visit Busted Halo’s Advent Calendar for daily Advent inspiration.

Register by clicking on the links below to receive these Daily Reflections in your email or Smartphone mail box.

Best Advent Ever from Dynamic Catholic – To sign up Click Here

Bishop Robert Barron Daily Gospel Reflection – To sign up Click Here

Hallow App – To sign up Click here


This year the celebration for Our Lady of Guadalupe will take place on December 8th after the 11:30 am Mass at St. Hedwig, corner of S. Roberts Rd & Doughty St.
After Mass, there will be the traditional procession from the church to the hall. This year the celebration will take place at the St. Hedwig Hall, 324 Townsend St., Dunkirk. There will be a theme basket raffle and a 50/50 raffle. Everyone in The Lord’s Vineyard is invited to come. Please bring a dish to pass. Donations of gift baskets are greatly appreciated. They can be dropped off at the Central Office.

Monday, December 9th
Please note there will be no Vigil Masses on Sunday, December 8th.

8 am St. Hyacinth; 8 am St. Elizabeth Ann Seton;
12pm St. Joseph; 1:40pm St. Elizabeth Ann Seton;
4pm St. Hedwig; 7pm Holy Trinity;
7 pm Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

The Lord’s Vineyard Family of Parishes # 3

Once again St Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish will be hosting our Annual Empty Creche, Collection. We invite all our Family Parishes to help us out.

Week 1: Christmas Basket Project. Scarves, Gloves, Mittens, Hats for Children and Adults.

Week 2: St. Gianna Molla Ministry: Baby clothes, Diapers, Baby Blankets, Booties and toiletries for Babies. From Infant to toddler are the specifics.

Week 3: Rural Ministry; Socks (men, women, children) Winter Hats and gloves, Toiletries, ie shampoo, Bath soap, deodorant, Body Lotion, etc.

Week 4: Hispanic Ministry for the Feast of 3 Kings (Epiphany). Small toys, stuffed animals etc.

Your help would be appreciated, to make Christmas special for those in need. Any questions can be directed to Jim Palmatier 716 951-2309

We can pick up from any one of the churches in our Family.

A simple Box can be placed at any of our Family churches, while SEAS will have an empty creche in the Sanctuary, for donations.

Saturday OLMC 3:45 pm – 4:15 pm
HT 3:00 pm – 3:45 pm
HYA 3:30 pm
Sunday SEAS after 10 am Mass
Wednesday HT 6 pm – 7 pm
Thursday HYA 5 pm – 6 pm

Christmas Mass Schedule